Class Styles
Hot yoga is all we do.
We practice in heat to release tension and resistance.
Heat improves flexibility, detoxifies our bodies, and allows energy to flow.
Our classes are appropriate for all levels, offering opportunities and challenges for beginner and seasoned practitioners alike.
Our signature deep stretch class. This vinyasa-style sequence focuses on opening and stretching the back of the thighs, the muscles surrounding the pelvis, and each space between the vertebrae of the back, while also providing postures to strengthen. Ideal for those looking to gain more flexibility and mobility.
Created by Rising Sol Yoga School and taught since 2014.

A moving meditation focused on thoughtfully and fluidly entering and exiting each posture with breath. The sequence includes sun salutations, standing postures, back bends, and floor postures.
This format is also offered in the morning as Slow Vinyasa.
This quick-paced, dynamic sequence flows from one posture to the next using breath. The series is taught in an energetic bell curve designed to increase your heart rate steadily to apex and then release your muscles into deep stretch and hip openers.

This Bishnu Ghosh-created series, made famous by Bikram Choudhary, is 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. Postures including standing poses and backbends are taught in a specific, unchanging order.
This is offered in a 60-, 75- and 90-minute format. In a 60-minute class, some postures are done only once.
A full body yoga workout that engages the core throughout and focuses on lengthening and strengthening of all major muscle groups.

Starting with the Hot 26 blueprint, this class teaches two sets of the 26 postures alongside breath work and Salute to the Gods and emphasizes alignment instruction in a hybrid flow/workshop format to break down the intermediate and more advanced versions of the postures. Traditional Hot 26 students are encouraged to practice the basic alignment while learning where they can take the postures next.

Yoga nidra is an immensely powerful meditation technique. The student rests comfortably in savasana as the teacher leads you through a systematic guided meditation. Yoga nidra promotes deep rest and relaxation that isn’t found in your average meditation practice, leading to less stress and better health.
The room is not heated. Dress comfortably; yoga clothes are not required. You are invited to bring blankets, bolsters, or eye masks to make an extended savasana as comfortable as possible.